Wednesday, June 2, 2010

current situation

i swear i've been trying to find my time to update my blog...
after last paper,
rushed back to KL and found that I had only a week to settle bout the practical stuffs..
and here I am..doing my practical and I havent even touch my luggage that i brought back from Penang..

Some might (and will) be asking, how's practical?

Well, practical is great, the people (im lying), the place, and the work..hell yeah the worksssss!!
basically I'll start my work from 11am till 7pm...
arrive at home and do the laundry *ehem*-wash my pants only-...
eat and IF, I have some free time, facebook-ing and sleep..
MUST SLEEP BEFORE 11pm or I wont be able to wake up 9 in the morning...
and the day continue and goes on and on...
until then...........

p/s :Imfuckinghatemyliferightnowcuz'IcantenjoywhatImdoing!!!!!


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